Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Glass Bead Making- Class at Polit University

  The class went well with participants from Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne.

What worked well:

-Students successfully made beads and were introduced to the concept of glass bead making and acquired the inspiration to explore having their own setups. 

-Information was delivered in a basic, but informative manner.

-Individual pots to hold mandrels were acquired so that we easily kept track of whose beads are whose.

-Workhorses to hold up the torch etc were purchased and worked well.

- Class notes were typed up and included links for beads and this blog for further information.

Improvements to my teaching set-up:

- Safety standards need to be improved. Although I had all of the safety equipment on hand, I was a bit complacent about my footgear and general safety issues such as hair back etc from working in the comfort of my garage. 

-I need hose fittings to allow 2-3 students to work on beads at the same time. 

- I had bought a gazebo but next class I will make sure it gets set up, including two walls to help circumvent the wind etc. 

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