- The coils/spirals/wire weaving are much easier to document for this time period and location, however there is some evidence of glass work in the region and time.
- Keep in mind that glass beads in particular were a highly valued trade commodity and have been found across time periods and cultures, particularly annular beads, evil eye beads and round beads.
- In 2015, 200 burial mounds were discovered and looted- robbing the Latvian landscape of significant cultural knowledge and artifacts.
- Anna Zarina was a leading expert in the clothing and decorations of the ancient Latgallians.
- After World War I, the new sovereign states that emerged on the east coast of the Baltic Sea – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland – became known as the Baltic states.
Finno Ugrian: Findspot; Latvia, Aizkraukle/Sigulda
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-23
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-4
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-21
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-22
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-46
- https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1852-0329-25_3
Gold in Glass beads- Latvian finds
- Zariņa, A. Seno Latgaļu Apģērbs (Clothing of the Ancient Latgallians). Rīga, “Zinātne”, 1968. fig.84, p.135, ill. by Sk. Ellere. Reconstructions from the Šķilbēnu Daniļovkas mound burials in Latvia, where 200 undisturbed graves were looted in Jan. 2015. Anna Zariņa died two months after the total destruction of this archaeological monument she had studied.
- https://www.academia.edu/1793464/Archaeological_Textiles_and_Dress_in_Latvia_from_the_7th_to_13th_Centuries_Research_Results_Reconstructions
- http://folkcostume.blogspot.com/2011/06/costume-of-barkava-and-bergzale-south.html
- When looking at a map of Riga, Latvia you can see the proximity of many famous burial grounds with archaeological wealth in this time period.
- https://www.google.com/maps/place/Latvia/@57.8561527,22.3867604,5.75z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x464f88b449f8148b:0xc85333b9a7892bde!2zNDc1IDM3IEJqw7Zya8O2LCBTd2VkZW4!3b1!8m2!3d57.7302907!4d11.6822257!3m4!1s0x46e930677b8a9afd:0xcfcd68f2fc10!8m2!3d57.000363!4d26.0005188
- Prehistory - Digital collection - The National Museum of Finland (kansallismuseo.fi)
- Anna Zariņa. Salaspils Laukskolas kapulauks. 10.-13. gadsimts. 350. lp
- http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:537484/FULLTEXT01.pdf
- https://www.academia.edu/1793464/Archaeological_Textiles_and_Dress_in_Latvia_from_the_7th_to_13th_Centuries_Research_Results_Reconstructions?auto=download
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